Whoa, April Goals
Things have gotten away from me the past few weeks due to my Manchester experiment & planning for AU. Here is my to-do list, hoping this will help me re-group:
Manchester project
- Finish building silos (ASAP)
- Consider imaging larvae for size comparisons (from count subsamples), or preserve some in ethanol for future …
- Continue daily maintenance: daily counts, wter changes, finish stocking all silos, preserved for lipid analysis
- Compile expenses
- Follow up with dude from NSA conference re: lipid/glycogen assay
- Develop undergrad assistant schedule w/ Duncan, Heather
Geoduck paper
- Email Micah re: exact dates probes were in water & geoduck were in water, chlorophyll data from summer 2017, more precise initial size values
- Address Emma’s input
- Re-write discussion
- Re-analyze environmental data:
- As per Micah’s responses to above questions (f needed)
- stat on daily mean and daily variance dataframes
- Send revision to Micah, Alex, Dave-o
- Finalize experiment plan
- I’ve proposed several experiment ideas to Abigail & Wayne, and due to time/facility constraints and lots of overlap with Wayne’s research/work already in progress, this is what we’re landing on:
- Study the flat oyster, Ostrea angasi.- Questions:
- How does O. angasi shift from nutrient storage (glycogen storage) to utilization for reproduction?
- Does insulin-like peptide expression correlate with gonad stage? (pending Abigail’s input)
- For like-sex/stage animals, does provisioning differ by latitude? Does glycogen content vary by temperature?
- Sample oysters from several farms along New South Wales estuaries in which flats are currently cultivated. Oysters will all be from the same hatchery-produced “batch” (according to Wayne). Measure glycogen/lipid content in gonad, and/or glycogen-synthase / glycogen-phosphorylase. Measure insulin-like peptide expression, if possible, as these are thought to regulate metabolism, growth, reproduction. Abigail is investigating this in other, non-molluscan species.
- Questions:
- Temperature and salinity sensors have been deployed at the NSW farms, and Wayne said that I will have access to at least 6 months of data for the northern- and southern-most estuaries (Camden Haven and Pambula).
- See if I can get chlorophyll data from satelite images along NSW coastline
- Figure out if I can do a short larval rearing experiment with brood collected from each farm - hypothesis is that warmer sites = less glycogen storage capabilities in gonad = less provisioned eggs = less larval viability.
- I’ve proposed several experiment ideas to Abigail & Wayne, and due to time/facility constraints and lots of overlap with Wayne’s research/work already in progress, this is what we’re landing on:
- Submit visa app
- Purchase plane ticket
- Figure out car situation - purchase used? Lease?
Polydora paper
- Incorporate feedback from Julieta, Heather
- Add final touches / missing info
- Invite input/co-authors: Steven, Brent, PCSGA rep, WDFW, hatchery rep (?), Betsy?
- Schedule committee meeting
- Compile list of things I’ll need for the bypass option, plan my attack
Written on April 9, 2018