Refining growth/condition marker discovery in Pacific cod, GWAS Day 4

I am interested to see whether I can use the putative growth/condition markers detected in experimental Pacific cod to predict “performance” in our reference/wild caught cod from different marine regions (Northern Bering Sea, Aleutians, Eastern Bering Sea / western Gulf of Alaska, eastern Gulf of Alaska). I have a beagle file containing genotype likelihoods for sites detected in both experimental and reference fish. I filtered that beagle file for only our putative growth/performance markers, then ran PCAngsd to generate a covariance matrix, then PCA in R. My thought is that I could potentially use a growth/condition gradient along a PC axis from experimental fish to identify reference fish populations/regions that lie on the high growth/condition end (i.e. potential high performers).

Here is the PCA of those ~270 putative growth/condition markers with growth/condition index of experimental fish indicated by the gradient, and all reference fish in gray. Second figure is a regression of growth/condition index ~ PC1 scores for experimental fish only, which I could possibly use to potentially predict performance in reference fish - the more negative PC1 score the better?. The boxplot shows PC1 scores for reference fish, potentially indicating eGOA fish have the most negative PC1 score / best performance indicator and tagged/NBS fish have the highest PC1 scor.




What’s happening here

This is strange, though. When I plot PC1 scores for experimental fish alongside reference fish, obviously the variability is much higher in experimental fish. BUT also - there are differences among temperature treatments, which isn’t a good sign. I believe this indicates that the marker discovery is being influenced by growth/condition differences among treatments. This suggests to me that I need to run my GWAS analyses separately for each temperature and look for 1) common markers among treatments that could indicate general growth/condition performance, and 2) unique markers among treatments that could reflect temperature-specific markers.


Re-run GWAS separately for each temperature

Here I perform four separate GWAS runs for each temperature treatment (0,5,9,16), with n=40/treatment for all but the 16C group (n=37, unfortunately we don’t have good DNA data for three that died!). I created four gwas subdirectories (temp-#), re-ran ANGSD to generate beagle files with genotype likelihoods, then ran angsd -doAsso. Here is an example set of scripts used for 0C group, located in the directory /home/lspencer/pcod-lcwgs-2023/analysis-20240606/experimental/gwas/temp-0/:

First, resolving GWAS issue

For some unknown reason the GWAS ran successfully on raw genotype likelihoods for 0C, 5C, and 9C, but NOT for 16C. I kept encountering a “segmentation fault” error, which I’ve previously encountered with angsd v0.940 (but it’s weird that it’s only happening with one set of samples). After TOO MUCH TIME troubleshooting, I’ve decided to pivot to another approach - using angsd v0.933 instead. That version kept throwing an error related to improperly handing chromosome name; it couldn’t get past the “” in each chromosome id_site (NC_XXXXX.1#####) in the beagle files, so I never attempted to use it. But now I have to! So, I’ll modify the input beagles and genome reference to remove that first “_”.

Modify pcod genome file to remove “_” in chromosome ID

sed '/^>/ s/NC_/NC/' /home/lspencer/references/pcod-ncbi/GCF_031168955.1_ASM3116895v1_genomic_rehead.fa > pcod-genome.fa  #use sed to replace "NC_" with "NC" in header lines

(base) [lspencer@node28 gwas]$ head pcod-genome.fa #view results

(base) [lspencer@node28 gwas]$ samtools faidx pcod-genome.fa #index new genome file 

(base) [lspencer@node28 gwas]$ cat pcod-genome.fa.fai #view index file 
NC082382.1      26289739        12      80      81
NC082383.1      23805147        26618385        80      81
NC082384.1      26984552        50721109        80      81
NC082385.1      35077496        78042980        80      81
NC082386.1      22175970        113558957       80      81
NC082387.1      27900680        136012139       80      81
NC082388.1      28186669        164261590       80      81
NC082389.1      23760065        192800605       80      81
NC082390.1      23393856        216857683       80      81
NC082391.1      23728004        240543975       80      81
NC082392.1      26267057        264568592       80      81
NC082393.1      27587113        291164000       80      81
NC082394.1      22312454        319095964       80      81
NC082395.1      26048790        341687336       80      81
NC082396.1      24646214        368061748       80      81
NC082397.1      29952890        393016052       80      81
NC082398.1      16295523        423343366       80      81
NC082399.1      21077965        439842596       80      81
NC082400.1      17993618        461184048       80      81
NC082401.1      23303860        479402599       80      81
NC082402.1      19478734        502997770       80      81
NC082403.1      19411328        522720001       80      81
NC082404.1      20003359        542373983       80      81
NC036931.1      16569   562627396       80      81 - generate GLs (and some other files) for each chromosome with desired ANGSD settings


#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=10
#SBATCH --time=7-00:00:00
#SBATCH --job-name=angsd_0
#SBATCH --output=/home/lspencer/pcod-lcwgs-2023/analysis-20240606/experimental/gwas/temp-0/angsd_%A-%a.out
#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL
#SBATCH --array=1-24%6

## ANGSD Settings
# -setminDepth 50 is based on 50% of the individuals and the average sequencing coverage of 3X (i.e. 50 ~ 3x * 0.5*40)
# -setmaxDepth 300 is based on a very generous 2 times all the individuals and the average depth, to avoid sites overly sequenced (i.e. 300 >~ 2 * 40 * 3x)
# -minInd 20 sets calling only variants with ~50% of individuals
# -minMaqQ was 15, now 30
# -minQ was 15, now 33
# -GL was 1, now 2

module unload bio/angsd/0.933
module load bio/angsd/0.933

# array input is chromosomes
IDS=$(cat ${JOBS_FILE})

for sample_line in ${IDS}
        job_index=$(echo ${sample_line} | awk -F ":" '{print $1}')
        contig=$(echo ${sample_line} | awk -F ":" '{print $2}')
        if [[ ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID} == ${job_index} ]]; then

angsd -b ${bams} \
-ref /home/lspencer/references/pcod-ncbi/GCF_031168955.1_ASM3116895v1_genomic.fa \
-r ${contig}: \
-out ${workdir}/Chr${job_index}_${temp} \
-nThreads 10 \
-uniqueOnly 1 \
-remove_bads 1 \
-trim 0 \
-C 50 \
-minMapQ 30 \
-minQ 33 \
-doCounts 1 \
-setminDepth 50 \
-setmaxDepth 300 \
-GL 2 \
-doBcf 1 \
-doPost 1 \
-doGeno 32 \
-doGlf 2 \
-doMaf 1 \
-doMajorMinor 1 \
-doDepth 1 \
-dumpCounts 3 \
-only_proper_pairs 1 \
-minInd 20 \
-minmaf 0.05 \
-SNP_pval 1e-10 \
-baq 1 - concatenage beagles (containing GLs) into one whole genome beagle file


#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=10
#SBATCH --job-name=concat-beagles-0
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --output=/home/lspencer/pcod-lcwgs-2023/analysis-20240606/experimental/gwas/temp-0/concat.out

# Define the input directory containing all .beagle.gz files

# Extract the header from the first .beagle.gz file
zcat "${input_dir}/Chr1_0.beagle.gz" | head -n 1 > "${output_file}"

# Loop through chromosomes 1 to 24 and concatenate their contents (excluding headers)
for i in {1..24}; do
    if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then
        echo "Processing $file..."
        zcat "$file" | tail -n +2 >> "${output_file}"
        echo "Warning: File $file not found. Skipping..."

# Compress the resulting .beagle file
gzip "${output_file}"

echo "Concatenation complete. Output written to ${output_file}.gz" - edit beagle chrom IDs, impute genotype probabilities, and perform association tests using various traits using both “raw” GLs and imputed GPs

NOTE: here I only show code for GWAS using the raw GLs due to space, but code is same just with $imputed beagle file variable and different output names)

#SBATCH --time=0-20:00:00
#SBATCH -p himem
#SBATCH --mem=100G
#SBATCH --job-name=gwas-16
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --output=/home/lspencer/pcod-lcwgs-2023/analysis-20240606/experimental/gwas/temp-16/gwas-16.out

module load bio/angsd/0.933 #important to use this version


# Remove "_" from chromosome IDs in beagle file (it confuses angsd)
zcat ${beagle} | sed 's/NC_/NC/g' | gzip > ${base}/temp-${temp}/wholegenome-${temp}-rehead.beagle.gz

# FIRST PERFORM IMPUTATION (to fill in NA values) with beagle

# All experimental fish
java -Xmx15000m -jar /home/lspencer/programs/beagle.jar \
like=${beagle_rehead} \


# ---------------------
#  CPI from all 4 growth and condition metrics (SGR-sl, SGR-ww, HSI, Kwet)
angsd \
-doMaf 4 \
-beagle ${beagle_rehead} \
-yQuant ${base}/temp-${temp}/${temp}-pi.grow.cond1.txt \
-doAsso 4 \
-out ${base}/temp-${temp}/${temp}-gwas-pi-grow-cond1.out \
-fai ${fai}

# ------------------
#  CPI from 3 growth and condition metrics (SGR-sl, SGR-ww, HSI)
angsd \
-doMaf 4 \
-beagle ${beagle_rehead} \
-yQuant ${base}/temp-${temp}/${temp}-pi.grow.cond2.txt \
-doAsso 4 \
-out ${base}/temp-${temp}/${temp}-gwas-pi-grow-cond2.out \
-fai ${fai}

# ------------------
#  CPI from 2 growth and condition metrics (SGR-ww, HSI)
angsd \
-doMaf 4 \
-beagle ${beagle_rehead} \
-yQuant ${base}/temp-${temp}/${temp}-pi.grow.cond3.txt \
-doAsso 4 \
-out ${base}/temp-${temp}/${temp}-gwas-pi-grow-cond3.out \
-fai ${fai}

# ------------------
# SGR - standard length
angsd \
-doMaf 4 \
-beagle ${beagle_rehead} \
-yQuant ${base}/temp-${temp}/${temp}-sgr-sl.txt \
-doAsso 4 \
-out ${base}/temp-${temp}/${temp}-gwas-sgr-sl.out \
-fai ${fai}

# SGR - wet weight
angsd \
-doMaf 4 \
-beagle ${beagle_rehead} \
-yQuant ${base}/temp-${temp}/${temp}-sgr-ww.txt \
-doAsso 4 \
-out ${base}/temp-${temp}/${temp}-gwas-sgr-ww.out \
-fai ${fai}

angsd \
-doMaf 4 \
-beagle ${beagle_rehead} \
-yQuant ${base}/temp-${temp}/${temp}-hsi.txt \
-doAsso 4 \
-out ${base}/temp-${temp}/${temp}-gwas-hsi.out \
-fai ${fai}

# KWet
angsd \
-doMaf 4 \
-beagle ${beagle_rehead} \
-yQuant ${base}/temp-${temp}/${temp}-kwet.txt \
-doAsso 4 \
-out ${base}/temp-${temp}/${temp}-gwas-kwet.out \
-fai ${fai}

Examine GWAS results in R

Here is R Code I used to import, filter, view, and annotate GWAS-identified “putative markers”:

trait.label="Composite index #3, growth rates & liver index" #
trait="pi.grow.cond2" #"SGR.ww.trt", Kwet, pi.grow.cond1, hsi, pi.grow.cond3
trait.file="pi-grow-cond2" #sgr-sl, sgr-ww, kwet, pi-grow-cond1, hsi, pi-grow-cond3

# Here i use imputed genotypes 
lrt.temp<-read.table(gzfile(paste0("../integrated/gwas/by-temp/", temp, "-gwas-impute-", trait.file, ".out.lrt0.gz")), header=T, sep="\t") %>% 
  mutate(Chromosome=gsub("NC", "NC_", Chromosome)) #important to add back the "_" in the chromosome name or else no markers will be annotated 

#we have a few LRT values that are -999, we should remove them. 
length(lrt.temp$LRT) # number of loci 
length(which(lrt.temp$LRT == -999)) #number that will be removed 

length(which(lrt.temp$LRT != -999))

#remove the values that are not -999 and that are negative
lrt.temp_filt<-lrt.temp[-c(which(lrt.temp$LRT == -999),which(lrt.temp$LRT <= 0)),]

#add snp "name" from rownumber 
lrt.temp_filt$SNP<-paste("r",1:length(lrt.temp_filt$Chromosome), sep="")

# get pvalues from chisq 
lrt.temp_filt$pvalue<-pchisq(lrt.temp_filt$LRT, df=1, lower=F)

hist(lrt.temp_filt$LRT, breaks=50)
hist(lrt.temp_filt$pvalue, breaks=50)

# #we also need to make sure we don't have any tricky values like those below
# lrt.temp_filt<-lrt.temp_filt[-c(which(lrt.temp_filt$pvalue == "NaN" ),
#                       which(lrt.temp_filt$pvalue == "Inf"),
#                       which(lrt.temp_filt$LRT == "Inf")),]
# jpeg(filename = paste0("../integrated/gwas/by-temp/", temp, "-growth-condition-logp3-manhattan.jpeg"),
#      width = 900, height = 450, quality = 100)
manhattan(lrt.temp_filt %>% mutate(chr=as.numeric(as.factor(Chromosome))), 
          chr="chr", bp="Position", p="pvalue", genomewideline = 3, cex=1, suggestiveline = F,
          main=paste0("Putative markers associated with\n", trait.label, ", Temperature = ", temp), 
          highlight = (lrt.temp_filt %>% mutate(logp=-log10(pvalue)) %>% filter(logp>3))$SNP)

lrt.temp_filt %>% mutate(logp=-log10(pvalue)) %>% filter(logp>3) %>% arrange(desc(LRT)) %>%
  unite("marker", Chromosome:Position, sep="_") %>% select(marker) %>% 
  write_delim(file=paste0("../integrated/gwas/", temp, "-gc1-markers-logp3.txt"),  col_names = F)

# did this already in previous code chunk 
# # Prepare gene regions with a 2000 bp flank
# genes4gwas <- pcod.gtf %>% mutate(ncbi_id=paste0("GeneID:", ncbi_id)) %>% 
#   filter(feature=="gene") %>% 
#   mutate(start_flank=start-2000) %>%
#   mutate(start_flank=as.integer(case_when(start_flank<0~0, TRUE~start_flank))) #%>% 
# gene_ranges <- GRanges(
#   seqnames =genes4gwas$seqname,
#   ranges=IRanges(
#   start=genes4gwas$start_flank,
# #  start = genes4gwas$start,
#   end=genes4gwas$end),
#   ncbi_id=genes4gwas$ncbi_id,
#   gene_id=genes4gwas$gene_id)

# Prepare SNP sites
gc1.sites.temp <- lrt.temp_filt %>% mutate(logp=-log10(pvalue)) %>% filter(logp>3) %>% mutate(marker=paste0(Chromosome, "_", Position))

snp_ranges.temp <- GRanges(
  seqnames = gc1.sites.temp$Chromosome,
    start = gc1.sites.temp$Position,
    end = gc1.sites.temp$Position),

# Find overlaps between gene flanks and SNP sites
overlaps.temp <- findOverlaps(gene_ranges, snp_ranges.temp)

# Extract matching rows
overlapping_genes.temp <- genes4gwas[queryHits(overlaps.temp), ]
overlapping_snps.temp <- gc1.sites.temp[subjectHits(overlaps.temp), ]

# Combine results into a single data frame
result.temp <- cbind(overlapping_genes.temp, overlapping_snps.temp) %>% 
  mutate(feature=case_when(Position>=start~"gene", Position<start~"upstream")) %>% 
  dplyr::select(-c(score, frame, attributes,biotype, exon)) %>% 
#  dplyr::select(feature, seqname, strand, start_flank, start, end, Position, gene_id, ncbi_id, gene_id) %>% 
  left_join(pcod.blast.GO[c("ncbi_id", "spid", "gene", "protein_names", "gene_ontology_biological_process")] %>% 
              mutate(ncbi_id=paste0("GeneID:", ncbi_id)), by="ncbi_id")

# result.temp %>% dplyr::select(-Position) %>% distinct() %>% group_by(feature) %>%  tally() %>% 
#   mutate(total=nrow(genes4gwas)) %>% mutate(perc=round(100*n/total, 2))

# Table of putative markers 
result.temp %>% dplyr::select(Chromosome, Position, LRT, pvalue, spid, protein_names) %>%
ungroup() %>% 
distinct() %>% arrange(desc(LRT)) %>% 
mutate(across(c(LRT:pvalue), ~ signif(.x, 3))) #%>% write_clip()

# NOTE: this beagle contains GLs for ALL treatments, and is missing some markers that were identified in the treatment-specific ANGSD run 
exp.beagle.gc1.sites.temp <- 
  exp.beagle %>% filter(marker %in% gc1.sites.temp$marker) %>% 
  pivot_longer(X100_1:X9_3, names_to = "individual.allele", values_to = "probability") %>% 
  separate(individual.allele, into=c("individual", "allele"), sep = "_") %>% 
    allele==1 ~ paste0(allele1, "/", allele1),
    allele==2 ~ paste0(allele1, "/", allele2),
    allele==3 ~ paste0(allele2, "/", allele2))) %>% 
    mutate(allele_base = allele %>%
           str_replace_all("0", "A") %>%
           str_replace_all("1", "C") %>%
           str_replace_all("2", "G") %>%
           str_replace_all("3", "T")) %>% 
  mutate(probability=round(as.numeric(probability), digits=4)) %>% 
  group_by(marker, individual) %>% 
  filter(!(n() == 3 & all(probability == 0.3333))) %>%  
  slice_max(probability,n=1) %>% 
    mutate(individual=gsub("X", "", individual), allele_base) %>%
    left_join(phenotypes2, by=c("individual"="genetic_sampling_count")) %>%
mutate(temperature = replace_na(temperature, "16")) #%>% 
#  filter(temperature==temp)

gc1.markers.temp <- (gc1.sites.temp %>% filter(marker %in% exp.beagle$marker) %>% arrange(desc(LRT)))$marker
for (i in 1:length(gc1.markers.temp)) {
  meta <- exp.beagle.gc1.sites.temp %>% filter(marker==gc1.markers.temp[i]) %>% ungroup() %>%  
  select(marker) %>% distinct() %>%  
  left_join(result.temp %>% mutate(marker=paste0(Chromosome, "_", Position))) 
  print(exp.beagle.gc1.sites.temp %>% filter(marker==gc1.markers.temp[i]) %>% #filter(probability>0.75) %>% 
#  filter(! %>% droplevels() %>% 
    ggplot() + geom_boxplot(aes(x=allele_base, 
                                fill=temperature), alpha=0.7, outlier.shape = NA) + 
                   color=point), position=position_jitter(w = 0.2,h = 0)) + 
  theme_minimal() + facet_wrap(~temperature, scales="free_y", nrow = 2, ncol=2) +
                   values=c("0"="#2c7bb6", "5"="#abd9e9", "9"="#fdae61", "16"="#d7191c"),
                   labels=c("0"="0degC","5"="5degC","9"="9degC (optimal)","16"="16degC")) +
  scale_color_manual(name=NULL, values=c("No.eGOA"="red", "No.wGOA"="black", "Yes.wGOA"="green2"), 
                     labels=c("No.wGOA"="Survived",  "No.eGOA"="eGOA cluster in PCA", "Yes.wGOA"="Died")) + 
  ggtitle(paste0("Marker: ", meta$marker, "\n Gene ID: ", meta$gene_id, "\n Protein: ", meta$protein_names)))

Putative markers associated with growth rate (standard length) in warm-exposed fish


Chromosome Position LRT pvalue spid protein_names
Chr22 2266449 13.5 0.000238 P12107 Collagen alpha-1(XI) chain
Chr6 16384831 13.1 0.000295 Q6XJU9 Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1
Chr22 2266770 12.9 0.000332 P12107 Collagen alpha-1(XI) chain
Chr4 29206268 12.6 0.000383 Q5DU56 Protein NLRC3
Chr22 2266677 12.5 0.000399 P12107 Collagen alpha-1(XI) chain
Chr4 33251932 12.5 0.000415 Q5R5U3 Zinc finger protein 271
Chr10 14094944 11.8 0.000577 Q91Y13 Protocadherin alpha-7 (PCDH-alpha-7)
Chr12 25112546 11.3 0.000767 P55199 RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL
Chr23 8966730 11.3 0.000786 Q6P5D8 Structural maintenance of chromosomes flexible hinge domain-containing protein 1
Chr20 18401423 11.1 0.000871 Q6GMI9 UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase 1
Chr7 8158249 10.8 0.000995 O43264 Centromere/kinetochore protein zw10 homolog

image image image image image

Putative markers associated with growth rate (wet weight) in warm-exposed fish


Chromosome Position LRT pvalue spid protein_names
Chr20 18401423 19.8 8.71E-06 Q6GMI9 UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase 1
Chr22 2266449 18.5 1.71E-05 P12107 Collagen alpha-1(XI) chain
Chr22 2266770 17.3 3.24E-05 P12107 Collagen alpha-1(XI) chain
Chr22 2266677 16.6 4.65E-05 P12107 Collagen alpha-1(XI) chain
Chr22 2871726 13.1 0.00029 Q95460 Major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein
Chr4 29206268 12.7 0.000369 Q5DU56 Protein NLRC3
Chr10 13841648 12.6 0.000383 Q5DRB8 Protocadherin gamma-A2
Chr10 13841648 12.6 0.000383 Q9Y5G7 Protocadherin gamma-A6
Chr7 8158249 12.2 0.000479 O43264 Centromere/kinetochore protein zw10 homolog
Chr1 10698321 12.2 0.000485 Q6RY07 Acidic mammalian chitinase (AMCase) (EC
Chr5 20744974 12.1 0.000499 Q7RTR2 NLR family CARD domain-containing protein 3
Chr8 6194665 12 0.000543 Q8R4G8 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein KCTD1 (Vitamin A-deficient testicular protein 6)
Chr22 2871709 12 0.000545 Q95460 Major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein
Chr9 5952237 11.5 0.000685 Q8AXZ4 Contactin-1a (F3/F11/contactin) (Neural cell recognition molecule F11)
Chr7 1643219 11.5 0.000709 P59046 NACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 12 (Monarch-1)
Chr7 1643219 11.5 0.000709 Q7RTR2 NLR family CARD domain-containing protein 3 (CARD15-like protein)
Chr15 14084438 11.4 0.000716 Q7LFX5 Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 15

image image image image image image

Putative markers associated with hepatosomatic index in warm-exposed fish


Chromosome Position LRT pvalue spid protein_names
Chr10 26512 24.5 7.50E-07 Q5SVR0 TBC1 domain family member 9B
Chr8 7686394 20.6 5.69E-06 Q90XF2 Protein kinase C iota type
Chr12 8663963 20.3 6.69E-06 P15924 Desmoplakin (DP)
Chr12 8663139 20.1 7.20E-06 P15924 Desmoplakin (DP)
Chr8 7684131 19.6 9.48E-06 Q90XF2 Protein kinase C iota type
Chr8 7688322 18.6 1.62E-05 Q90XF2 Protein kinase C iota type
Chr15 5279980 17.2 3.41E-05 Q5RC21 Translin-associated protein X
Chr15 5279992 17.1 3.54E-05 Q5RC21 Translin-associated protein X
Chr10 26590 16.5 4.85E-05 Q5SVR0 TBC1 domain family member 9B
Chr18 18184067 15.2 9.66E-05 Q9ULK0 Glutamate receptor ionotropic, delta-1
Chr7 24047591 14.6 0.000134 Q2WG80 Protein ripply1
Chr7 24047555 14.5 0.000138 Q2WG80 Protein ripply1
Chr7 23954622 14.4 0.000151 O88491 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase, H3 lysine-36 specific
Chr12 8664098 14.2 0.00016 P15924 Desmoplakin (DP)
Chr14 6110294 14.2 0.000161 Q7SXF1 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase
Chr12 8666427 14.1 0.000171 P15924 Desmoplakin (DP)
Chr8 7688395 14 0.000185 Q90XF2 Protein kinase C iota type
Chr7 22172083 12.9 0.000325 Q6ZMW2 Zinc finger protein 782
Chr7 11635733 12.5 0.000403 Q3U3V8 X-ray radiation resistance-associated protein 1
Chr8 7688446 12.3 0.00046 Q90XF2 Protein kinase C iota type
Chr4 9882897 12.1 0.000498 Q3USH5 Splicing factor, suppressor of white-apricot homolog
Chr3 16934535 11.8 0.00058 A2Q0R8 Small ribosomal subunit protein eS1
Chr3 16934535 11.8 0.00058 Q5HYK7 SH3 domain-containing protein 19
Chr1 6185889 11.8 0.000581 Q86YJ5 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MARCHF9
Chr12 6825238 11.8 0.00059 Q9QYW0 Protein AATF (Apoptosis-antagonizing transcription factor)
Chr9 20279221 11.7 0.000632 A1L271 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit beta-5a
Chr3 16934470 11.7 0.000642 A2Q0R8 Small ribosomal subunit protein eS1
Chr3 16934470 11.7 0.000642 Q5HYK7 SH3 domain-containing protein 19
Chr18 18184044 11.6 0.000674 Q9ULK0 Glutamate receptor ionotropic, delta-1
Chr7 22188972 11.6 0.000676 Q6ZMW2 Zinc finger protein 782
Chr7 22182763 11.5 0.000684 Q6ZMW2 Zinc finger protein 782
Chr7 11635676 11.5 0.000709 Q3U3V8 X-ray radiation resistance-associated protein 1
Chr7 22174547 11.3 0.000771 Q6ZMW2 Zinc finger protein 782
Chr9 20279076 11.2 0.000829 A1L271 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit beta-5a
Chr14 19635364 11 0.000893 Q6DJE5 Dysbindin domain-containing protein 1
Chr14 19635364 11 0.000893 Q0P464 Methenyltetrahydrofolate synthase domain-containing protein
Chr14 19635364 11 0.000893 O95995 Dynein regulatory complex subunit 4 (Growth arrest-specific protein 11)
Chr18 18193173 10.9 0.000938 Q9ULK0 Glutamate receptor ionotropic, delta-1
Chr2 21411415 10.9 0.000968 Q7Z410 Transmembrane protease serine 9
Chr7 22186315 10.9 0.00097 Q6ZMW2 Zinc finger protein 782
Chr18 18185188 10.8 0.000992 Q9ULK0 Glutamate receptor ionotropic, delta-1

image image image image image image image image image image image image

Working on pcod genotype imputation pipeline

I previously performed genotype imputation without any reference panel/map. I did some reading, and it looks like I could greatly improve imputation accuracy if I provide phased haplotype reference panel, built from other Pacific cod WGS data. I happen to have a lcWGS data from ~600 reference fish (depth ~3x) AND the big/little fish from 2021 (depth ~14x). I’m going to see if I can use those datasets to build the phased reference panel.

NOTE: phased reference panel: genetic variants are assigned to their respective chromosomes, distinguishing which alleles came from one parent versus the other.

NOTE: I tried to use a beagle file (merged to have both ref & big/little data) as a reference panel, but no dice. I need a VCF file, so I’ll build that from “scratch” using angsd’s doVCF option

Run ANGSD to generate VCF with genotype probabilities from reference population and Big/Little 2021 cod

I’m working in this repon on Sedna: /home/lspencer/pcod-general/imputation-ref-panel, and ran the below code in the script It produced BCF files for each chromosome.


#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=10
#SBATCH --time=0-20:00:00
#SBATCH --job-name=angsd
#SBATCH --output=/home/lspencer/pcod-general/imputation-ref-panel/angsd-ref-panel_%A-%a.out
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --array=1-24%24

module unload bio/angsd/0.940
module load bio/angsd/0.940

IDS=$(cat ${JOBS_FILE})

for sample_line in ${IDS}
        job_index=$(echo ${sample_line} | awk -F ":" '{print $1}')
        contig=$(echo ${sample_line} | awk -F ":" '{print $2}')
        if [[ ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID} == ${job_index} ]]; then

angsd -b /home/lspencer/pcod-general/imputation-ref-panel/bamslist-ref-panel.txt -ref /home/lspencer/references/pcod-ncbi/GCF_031168955.1_ASM3116895v1_genomic.fa \
-r ${contig}: -out /home/lspencer/pcod-general/imputation-ref-panel/panel_${contig}_polymorphic \
-nThreads 10 -uniqueOnly 1 -doCounts 1 -setMinDepth 700 -remove_bads 1 -trim 0 -C 50 -minMapQ 35 -minQ 30 \
-dobcf 1 -doGlf 2 -GL 1 -doMaf 1 -doMajorMinor 1 -dopost 1 -dogeno 32 \
-minMaf 0.05 -SNP_pval 1e-10 -only_proper_pairs 1
(base) [lspencer@node28 imputation-ref-panel]$ pwd

I then concatenated the BCF files into one using bcftools concat, then converted to VCF, filtered for minor allele frequency > 5% and max missingness 15%. This produced the file whole-genome_miss15.vcf.gz. There are still some missing genotypes, so here I try to impute those using BEAGLE v5.4:

java -jar /home/lspencer/programs/beagle.v5.4.jar gt=/home/lspencer/pcod-general/imputation-ref-panel/whole-genome_miss15.vcf.gz gp=true impute=true out=/home/lspencer/pcod-general/imputed

beagle.29Oct24.c8e.jar (version 5.4)
Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Brian L. Browning
Enter "java -jar beagle.29Oct24.c8e.jar" to list command line argument
Start time: 11:17 AM PST on 25 Nov 2024

Command line: java -Xmx1136m -jar beagle.29Oct24.c8e.jar

No genetic map is specified: using 1 cM = 1 Mb

Reference samples:                    0
Study     samples:                  708

Window 1 [NC_036931.1:47-16349]
Study     markers:                   84

Burnin  iteration 1:           5 seconds
Burnin  iteration 2:           1 second
Burnin  iteration 3:           1 second

Estimated ne:                  5216323
Estimated err:                 6.4e-03

Phasing iteration 1:           0 seconds
Phasing iteration 2:           0 seconds
Phasing iteration 3:           0 seconds
Phasing iteration 4:           0 seconds
Phasing iteration 5:           0 seconds
Phasing iteration 6:           0 seconds
Phasing iteration 7:           0 seconds
Phasing iteration 8:           0 seconds
Phasing iteration 9:           0 seconds
Phasing iteration 10:          0 seconds
Phasing iteration 11:          0 seconds
Phasing iteration 12:          0 seconds

Window 2 [NC_082382.1:8368-26260017]
Study     markers:               17,298


yada yada yada

This should produce a VCF file with phased haplotypes, and a log file. I should next assess the phasing quality using tools like SHAPEIT’s quality checks or Beagle’s output metrics.

Written on November 21, 2024