May 27th, 2017
Here are some charts of the Oly larvae that I’ve collected & counted to date
Some documentation
- A tentative June/July coverage schedule
- And my my notes from the meeting with Alice last week, which will develop into a Oly rearing protocol:
Arrival inspection
Larval buckets:
- Test bucket Check:
- Not overflowing, despite not changing banjo yesterday.
- T = 17.25 (T1)
- pH = 7.88 (Durafet 2)
- Aeration looks good
- Algae concentration looks a bit weak - increased dosing rate from 60 -> 70
- New larvae in following catchment buckets:
- K-10 Low - a bit
- HL10 Low - a ton!
- SN-6 Low B - a lot
- SN-10 Low B- a lot
- NF-6 Low B - a bit
- NF-6 Amb A- a bit
- Maybe some in:
- NF-10 Low B
- NF-10 Low A
- SN-6 Amb A
- NF-10 Amb A
- NF-6 Amb B
Need to buy:
- 15 feet 1/2 pvc flex hose (for freshwater flush)
- 1/4” tube connectors - straight
- 1/8” tube connectors- Y’s and straight
Need to make:
- Fresh water connection
- Pipe with lots of holes for catch freshwater flush outflow
- Microculch
- Assemble setting tank silos
Tasks Today
- Collect new larvae, stock, sample excess - DONE
- This went smoothly, except that the banjo was left off group HL-10 low pH yesterday, so I therefore likely lost larvae. there still was quite a bit on the bottom of the bucket, but because of this likely fewer # of larvae in the bucket I added extra from today’s spawn.
- Make freshwater connection - NOT COMPLETE, but I figured ou what I need to purchase
- Clean top row broodstock & all components - DONE
- Record location of top shelf broodstock on manifold - DONE
- Change all banjos, drippers - DONE
- Feed - DONE. used - 1/2 Ciso, 1/2 CGW
- Increased algae capacity so I can take Sunday off:
- 200L for larval tank
- 200L for other tank
- 100L for gigas
- Increased algae capacity so I can take Sunday off:
- Image plates - NOT DONE
Discovered a flat tire on my bike, called an Uber- only $17, and he arrived within 15 minutes. Pretty sweet.
Written on May 27, 2017