Manchester, 6/18
Today’s vista:
Water change on larval experiment
- Harvested 450 mL Tiso + 450 mL Chagra
- Counted algae. Here’s what they look like under the scope. I count 5 out of the 9 large squares in the hemocytometer grid (each large square contains 16 small squares). This first photo shows one large square, scope is at 10x:
And here’s algae at a higher lens; I believe this is 30x, but will need to confirm:
- Filled 5gal bucket with 13L FSW, added 690 mL algae cocktail, plunged and distributed among 12 clean tripours
- Transferred larval silos to new medium
Changed banjos in SN & NF groups (hadn’t done that yesterday)
Imaged all larvae screened on 6/15. These were not killed with lugols, and were kept in the fridge. Changed up my imaging protocol:
Used the dissecting scope. I think the photos are much nicer:
Imaged a ruler (mm) at 12x and 32x
- Imaged all wells at at 32x.
- New protocol for imaging will be:
- Don’t add lugols
- Store in fridge
- image 1-3 days post collection
- Use dissecting scope, image only at 32x, image as many larvae as possible. Larvae collect in the center of the well, in a cluster, so should be able to capture most in one image. Fed
- Setting/K&HL broodstock table:
- 1/2 609
- 1/4 Tet
- 1/4 Chagra
- Larval table/SN&NF broodstock table:
- 1/2 Tet
- 1/2 Chagra
- Increased set point temp to 21degC.
- Since temp is not achieving set point, I tried switching to the heated line, but the flow on the heated line was not sufficient enough to achieve 2.4L/min. Swapped back to the ambient line, and adjusted flow to achieve 2.4L/Min.
When swapping lines on gigas, the high pressure on the ambient line blew the tube off the labcock valve, which sent a ton of ambient, very dirty water through and into one of my 100um larval buckets - NF-6 Ambient. I likely lost some larvae, and the bucket was extremely dirty. I screened this bucket through 200 onto 100um, trying to remove some gunk. I did, but not all of it. I returned the remnants back to the larval bucket. Luckily, the flow had been pushing live larvae into the 180um bucket since yesterday afternoon, and there were very few 100um larvae in this bucket to start with, only ~2,700:
- Screening counts:
- And none stocked since 6/15: