planning next round of geoduck extractions
Which samples to extract next?
I have a total of 180 geoduck samples with the following distribution:
- Very low # of samples in Skokomish; is this b/c netting on pvc pipes came off and thus caused predation? I think so.
- Micah also mentioned that in Skokomish the little patch of eelgrass was in the middle of a freshwater seep; saturation was much lower there, so for the purposes of comparing eelgrass vs. no eelgrass, SK is not an ideal site.
- One WB sample from last run (#131) was not extracted correctly/tissue escaped my tube, so I need to replace that sample.
- W/o SK site, total sample # is 162;
- Smallest common denominator per group = 6; extract 6 samples per, then = 96 total,
- I already ran 7 of these samples, so that leaves 89 left to do.
- Lab logistics: do 4 rounds of extractions (24, 24, 17, 24) on randomly selected samples
Yaamini and I inventoried our extraction supplies today, and we need a sonicator (Genome Sciences’ is on the fritz] and several other things
Looking to begin extractions once the ordered items arrive.
Written on May 8, 2017