preparing histology samples
I prepped the histology samples taken on 4/8 and 4/13 to be sent off for slide preparation. My samples are Ostrea lurida whole visceral mass, with the goal of analyzing gonad maturation, and Yaamini’s samples are exclusively Crassostrea gigas gonad. I sampled NF, SN & HL populations on 4/8 and K populations on 4/13. Megan, Grace, Kaitlin, and Rhonda helped me by sampling the NF, SN & HL groups, and I did the K groups myself.
Sequence of events and sample handling
- On 4/8 & 4/13: while sampling, once a cassette was full, it was immediately placed in the FIX solution.
- 24 hrs later the FIX was poured out of jars, and refilled with STABILIZER solution.
- On 4/20, to make sure we can read the correct orientation of the slides, I dotted the top left tissue in each cassette with blue ink. Here’s my setup, and images of all the samples within each cassette for reference.
#### I’ve also prepared a histology sample key.
Written on April 20, 2017