Two presentations, a revision and a poster

These past couple months have been very Pacific-cod producty. I gave a seminar during the NOAA AFSC groundfish series (virtual, see recording), and presented an abbreviated version at the NOAA NWFSC Manchester Research Station. I also presented a poster at the Alaska Marine Science Symposium in Anchorage, AK. All events covered the effects of temperature, primarily warming, on Pacific cod larvae and juveniles (and a bit on OA effects on larvae).

I revised the larval Pacific cod paper for publication in the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. The reviewers were very dissinterested in detailed functional analyses or interpretation (or ‘omics methods), and wanted more focus on relevance to fisheries- which I get! The paper was therefore simplified quite a bit to focus only on the mechanistic effects that I think were most impactful and relevant. There will be a NOAA spotlight article coming out soon on the larval paper, too. Stay tuned!

Preview of the poster


Written on January 31, 2025