Presentations this month, paper revision, analysis idea

Update on my activities & plans

  • Last week I presented some unpublished findings from our Pacific cod juvenile temperature experiment at the Manchester monthly hatchery meeting. Check out my slide-deck
  • Tomorrow I will be presenting at the AFSC Groundfish Seminar, and since I have more time I will briefly cover the Pacific cod larval study, then go into more detail on the juvenile study. Check out my slidedeck, and the recording will be posted on this seminar page
  • Beginning Wednesday I will focus only on revising the larval Pacific cod paper, which I will resubmit to CJFAS in late January. I want to get a draft revision done by the end of winter break so I can send it to my coauthors for comments. This may not be feasible given that daycares are closed, but that’s my goal!

Fun things on the horizon

  • When I have time I will make more headway on the Pacific cod sex marker situation. Here’s where I left it - I concatenated all lcWGS fastq files by sex (male, female), then aligned those to the male- and female-specific Atlantic cod chromosome 11, which is where the sex-specific regions are. Next step is for me to look at that region in question in IGV, pull consensus sequences, and consult with Mary Beth to see if we can identify possible sequences for PCR primres.
  • Analysis: Calculate Q10 from gene expression data in Pacific cod, identify temperature-sensitive genes that way (high Q10).
  • Analyisis: Develop gene-expression based model that predicts lipid component quantities / ratios. This is based on Steven’s recommendation, and this excerpt from Ben’s in review article on juvenile overwintering survival, “… lipid condition directly on fish late in the fall to forecast winter survival … if such data were available, a late fall measure of lipid condition would be the recommended index to integrate into the stock assessment process for Pacific cod (e.g., Shotwell et al. 2022).”
  • Travel to Newport, OR to extract DNA from archived juvnile cod that were collected before, during, and after the marine heatwaves.
  • Poster at the AMSS in Anchorage, AK at the end of January
Written on December 16, 2024